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  Producto Precio Cantidad Total  
Ella Neo Red $2,500.00
Lush 2 $4,130.00
Ferri (panty vibrator) $2,800.00
California Exotics Mr. Stud Love Doll $790.00
5.6" Glass Dildo w/ Silicone Base $670.00
SM 2 Inch Clear Extender Sleeve $990.00
Extra Long 3" Penis Extension Sleeve $740.00
LB Thrusting & Vibrating Masturbator $2,970.00
JimmyJane Exona Body Wand $1,720.00
Fantasy Xtensions Perfect 3 Inch Extension Sleeve Flesh 9 Inch $1,370.00
Pump Worx Silicone PowerPump- Clear/Black $1,130.00
Fleshstixxx 9" Silicone Dildo no Balls Latte $1,270.00
Gossip Lily - Magenta $1,260.00
Play With Me - Arouser Vibrating C-Ring - Green $70.00
Play With Me - Arouser Vibrating C-Ring - Pink $70.00
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Cart totals

Subtotal $23,620.00


Shipping to Baja California.

Total $23,820.00


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